Alt A Loans

Alt A Loan:

Alt A Loans do not meet the credit requirements of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They are known as Alternative Loans. Loan applicants typically have had a credit hiccup in the past, have filed for bankruptcy, or have had a property in foreclosure or short sale.

Alt A Loans are often issued as temporary loans until the applicant can restore credit and qualify for conforming "A" loans. Interest rates on Alt A Loans are generally a little higher than for conforming "A" loans.

Features of an Alt A loan;
*Interest Only Payment Option
*Bankruptcy discharge less than 1 year
*Foreclosure of Shortsale over 1 Year
*Stated or Bank Statement income for Self Employed

What's your Loan Goal....

Contact Us

Loan Goal
202 E. Earll Drive
Suite 460
Phoenix, AZ 85012


NMLS Consumer Access
NMLS # 33043

Arizona: MB-0904605 | California CFL License: 6038514 Loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law | Colorado: 20021150081 | Colorado: LMB100026744 | Florida: CL0700723 | Idaho 1st Mortgage: MBL-4501 / NMLS # 33043 | Maryland: #33043 | Minnesota: 20337251 | New Mexico: 01475 | North Carolina License/Registration #: B-213554 | Ohio: RM.804918.000 | Oregon: ML-4188 | South Carolina DCA: #33043 | Texas: SML #34341 | Tennessee: 33043 | Utah: 6360087-MLCO | VA - 919946-0008 | Virginia: MC-7553 | Washington MB-33043 | FHA - 18970-0000-1 and 18790 | Wyoming: MBL-1863